Practice Areas
Beck Law Center's main practice areas are listed here. We have filed hundreds of Singulair cases and Zantac cases. We also help those who have suffered serious personal injury.

Drug Cases - Zantac and Singulair
Beck Law Center represents over a hundred clients hurt by Singulair and nearly 50 clients who have been hurt by Zantac.

Serious Personal Injuries
Finding the right lawyer after you have been in a car accident can be difficult and confusing. Should you pick a lawyer because you remember seeing his advertisement on television? Of course not. You should pick a lawyer because she takes your case seriously and cares about her clients.
Let's talk about your case.
You can contact us at, 888-434-2912, or by filling out the form below. You can also click Book an Appointment with a Lawyer Online to schedule a free consultation.
Click here for our mailing address and other contact information.
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