Be the Best Cincinnati Plaintiff You Can Be From the Perspective of a Female Personal Injury Lawyer
Attorney Kimberly Beck
Why You Should Care that this Article is Written by a Female Personal Injury Lawyer in Cincinnati
Let’s talk about how to be the best Cincinnati plaintiff you can be.
I am a female personal injury lawyer in Cincinnati. I can be pretty disarming. At 5 feet, 2 inches tall, with a naturally higher pitched voice, I have found that I do not necessarily look intimidating. For that reason, I have some defendants are not on their best behavior the moment we meet.
From time to time, I have the opportunity to surprise my opponents by showing them that not only I, but also my clients are prepared and ready to win.
Below I have listed some of the more effective tips for showing your opponent that you are here to win.
Tip 1: Do Not Let Lawyers Pressure You with High Pressure Sales Techniques.
This does not mean you should fall victim to the “act now” high pressure sales tactics of some lawyers. Yes, there is a statute of limitations for whatever case you may want to bring, but the statute of limitations is never two days. The shortest statute of limitations I have ever heard of is six months. Most of them are more like a year or two. You always have time to after you are injured to take a breath and think. If you want to learn more about time limits to file a lawsuit, read this article about statutes of limitation.
Now, back to the point at hand. You do not want to wait until a week before a statute of limitations expires to call a lawyer. You may not be able to find a lawyer willing to take your case on such short notice. You may also miss out on valuable advice the lawyer could have given you if you had called earlier.
In short, be diligent, but do not let yourself give in to high pressure sales tactics.
Tip 2: Tell Your Lawyer the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth
Anything you say to your lawyer is confidential, so tell your lawyer everything. If your case has a weakness or something you think might be a weakness, tell your lawyer about it. The lawyer may be able to successfully downplay that weakness or, depending on the circumstances, prevent that weakness from coming out at all.
Tip 3: Hold on to Anything that Could be Evidence.
Gas receipts from driving back and forth to physical therapy? Yes, you may be able to get your money back for the gas. Empty prescription medicine bottles? Yes, absolutely hold on to those. They may end up being the only evidence beyond your own testimony that you took that drug.
Tip 4: Keep a Diary of Everything You Missed Because of the Defendant.
You do not need anything elaborate, or even write in full sentences. However, if you have a notebook with entries that say things like “June 4th – Bill’s wedding. Wife has to go alone. Can’t go. My back hurts too much” you have good, specific evidence of your suffering.
If keeping a diary is too much for you emotionally, you can ask someone else to help you. That person should write down exactly what he or she sees. For example, “May 17 – Visited Mary at the hospital. I think she recognized me, but she seemed pretty out of it.”
To read more, look at this article on Avvo.
You may want to also take a look at this article explaining how you might end up using your diary to prepare for a deposition.
Tip 5: Stay off of Social Media!
I suppose this one is advice from a female personal injury lawyer in Cincinnati on what not to do. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you sue someone for running your bike off the road and claim that the driver caused you severe, permanent injuries, Facebook posts bragging about your skiing trip and pictures of you riding a four-wheeler on Instagram could really hurt your case.
For further reading, see this article about Four People You Do Not Want to Sue.
Attorney Kimberly Beck
Cincinnati, Ohio
Attorney Kim Beck is the managing member of Beck Law Center, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has 15 years of experience as an attorney, mostly on the defense. She now represents plaintiffs in personal injury cases involving a variety of injuries caused by defecting drugs/ pharmaceuticals, medical malpractice, and other series accidents. If you would like more information about her background and experience, please review her profile page.
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